The Psychology behind Coaching
Coaching is not definitely not counseling. Coaching utilizes self-efficacy, the belief in one’s ability to succeed. Coaches often employ strategies to bolster clients self-efficacy, helping them overcome self-doubt and take on challenges with confidence. Additionally, the coaches focus on strengths, optimism and well-being to foster personal growth.

What can you expect to see and feel after Life coaching sessions?
Imagine feeling more in control of your life, with a clearer sense of purpose and direction. Just a few life coaching sessions can help you unlock your potential and achieve your goals. You’ll start to see positive changes in how you think, feel and act, leading to increased confidence and satisfaction.
Personal growth
Fun and recreation
Contribution to others
What are your top three long-term goals?
What’s currently holding you back from achieving them?
What’s one small step you can take today to move closer to one of these goals?
Are these thoughts based on facts or assumptions?
How would your life change if you let go of these beliefs?
What positive affirmation can replace each limiting belief?